Our new Me, myself & I book, thanks to the fabulous and patient work of Sarah Emerson, is freely available as an e-pub for download (just click the pic below to pick it up from dropbox). If on the other hand you want to part with your hard-earned cash, and long for the heft of a traditional tome it will also shortly be available, like our other books, from blurb.com (watch this space).
Kelly O'Connell's wonderful self-portrait is our front cover this year, marking a colourful ending to a decade of exhibitions, and five years of publications.
Are you in the book? Our list of artists for the final book is below, in alphabetical order (by first name)
Alex J Foster, Alex
Fairhurst, Allyson
Senior, Amy
Simpson, Angie
Borg, Ann
Babinard, Annette
Hamilton, Annette
Bukovinsky, Aprile
Alexander, Arunas
Klupsas, Barbara
Hellman, Brenda
McIntosh, Brian
Bright, Brianna, Brigitte
Gourdain, Bron
Newman, Brooke Keogh, Caitlyn
Ravet, Camille
Gillyboeuf, Carmel
Mackie, Catherine
Morgan, Craig
Heslop, Daniel
Wallace, Derya
Sari, Di
Holdsworth, Giselle
Sangalli, Hayley
Williams, Helen
Brancatisano, Irina
Sakalouski, Jaclyn
Lindsay, Jaimee-Leigh
Wilson, Jarrid
Mayberry, Jayshlyn
Krishna, Jo
Ernsten, Jocelyn
Munster, Justin
Bishop, Kalliopi
Papadatou, Karen
Mulvihill-Wray, Katherine
Lottering, Kelly
OConnell, Kerrie
Keefe, Kristen
English, Laura
Pinones, Lisa
McKay, Liz
Smith, Luke
Zammit, Maeve
Dunnett, Marlay
Birks, Mike
Wall, Mohammed
Salman, Monique, Donaldson, Natasha
Junmanee, Natt
Kull, Negin
Chahoud, Nuri
Susamci, Patricia
Thomson, Paul
Madeiski, Peta
Pirovic, Peter
Simpson, Phil
Chaffey, Prudence
Mogg, Ray
Atkins, Rebecca
Kutnjak, Ricardo
Della-Ricca, Richard
Curtis, Robyn
Drummond, Ryan
Herbert, Rys Te
Awhitu, Sally
Colechin, Sam
Fischer, Sam
Peljha, Sarah
Emerson, Scott
Johnson, Sharmini Hancock, Sharna
Hoggard, Sheryl
Andersen, Shianne
Mcabe, Shirley
Ayers, Simon
Bosch, Stella
Melito, Stephen
Hall, Sumoniori, Tara
Sheather, Tim
Newman, Tina
Mcormack, Tracy
Brown, Viv
Congratulations to all involved!
Congratulations to all involved!